Saturday, September 17, 2016

The One Stop Solution For Gorging on Food Without Feeling Any Guilt

The most typical reaction I get when I speak about Intermittent Fasting is skeptic laced with disbelief...
This is because it seems like something that they find as puzzling, risky or daunting. This reaction can’t be faulted, because the Intermittent Fasting can be done in the wrong way too. So...
Let us first learn how to do the Intermittent Fasting in the right manner.
My method of Intermittent Fasting is very simple. It is actually developed by Brendon who is a popular international writer as well as a known expert in all things related to nutrition. You will be learning more about him in a minute. This is how it works...
Once or twice a week I do not eat at all for a specific pre-set amount of time. This time limit is dependent on my goal and my amount of bodyfat. Simple as that... and it's only EVER once or twice a week, certainly not more!
And get this... other than the days you fast, you can enjoy completely normal meals on all days. Now..
emember what we talked about genetics and how our Great Grandparents had their cycles of high and low calories. Really that’s all you’re doing when you practice Intermittent Fasting.
It is perfectly normal for those who are new to this amazing and powerful technique for weight loss as well as health improvement to feel limited when they think about not eating at all. But the truth is, it is the other way around.
If you think back, you used to always feel hungry during the entire time of diet, right?
On the other hand, when following this method of Intermittent Fasting, you feel hungry only once or maximum two days of week.
Get the power of fasting here and get started right away:

Hunger No Longer Controls You

With this new strategy, all of a sudden hunger did not have any power over me. I wasn’t fearful or worried about hunger anymore...
This is because a slight bit of hunger... the smallest amount of self-discipline... unleashed a world of freedom for me.
The method I’ve been mentioning about till now is a specific and precise way to do something that nutritionist’s call as Intermittent Fasting (IF). However, my method of doing it is quite unlike what you may have heard about. So keep reading...
Because what I am about to explain is the method that helped me out of the never ending cycle of rebound weight gain. It allowed me to disregard all the irrational diet rules. And now I finally enjoy a steady, unchanging weight and a slender body I’m proud of.
And it will do provide the same help for you too, as it has for over 54,000 other folks who are using the simple nutritional modifications I learned from a guy named Brendon.

Stop Fixating On Food If You Want To Lose Weight

You tend to get hungry when you don’t eat, correct?....
While trying to follow specific diets, doesn’t it feel like you’re hungry all the time?
A diet would seem like a long marathon that you are running and the finish line just keeps getting pushed away. There’s never an option when you are allowed to just NOT be hungry. Now..
Think of the scenario when you are hungry only once or twice a week for a limited amount of time...
Rest of the time, you are never hungry or deprived of specific food categories. You don’t have to even think about what food type or calories to eat.
Doesn’t that sound like freedom???
When I began to use this method that I’m going to show you, it was like a burden being lifted.
During its course, I also found out something about hunger as well.

The DNA Key To Unlock Weight Loss

Consider an entire football field as the equivalent of 300,000 years of evolution of human genetics.
Now, assume it is 3rd down. The ball is now almost at goal line..
The miniscule amount of space between the goal line and the ball can be compared to the timeframe since humans discovered agriculture.
And.. One small grass right before the goal line would be equivalent to the time frame of when humans began to make modern industrial food.
As you can see, clear as a day, our human genetics haven’t found the time required for adapting to this overly abundant amount of food supply we currently have.
Your genetics are so programmed that your bodies crave the calorie wave of high calories followed by low calories.
We already discussed that discipline is not the key to weight loss dilemma. Especially since it goes contrary to every survival instincts your body is encoded for. After all...
Your Great Grandpas and Grandmas lived by eating as much as they could when food was adequately available so they could survive through periods when food was scarce or harder to find. This very thing is the reason for your weight loss struggle now...
After all, your genetics was never programmed for avoiding certain categories of foods. You are not hard wired to undergo daily deprivation of food as well as the discipline required for any diet. You most certainly weren’t meant to fill your head with calorie counting on a daily basis. Matter of fact, calories weren’t even a term until late 1800’s.
So, what’s the way out you ask? Your answer to this query points to genetics as well. You are genetically programmed to go without food for short intervals of time in between abundant eating.
This is the key factor that is missing from the modern lifestyle of eating. Now a days it would seem like you are having “one long and extended meal per day” — it begins at breakfast and doesn’t stop until you go to sleep...
This is the reason why we get sick.
This is the reason why we get obese or fat.
This is the reason why it seems complicated for losing weight.
This is the reason why you end up getting back all the lost weight.
And this is exactly why you need to change from “Food Obsession” to “Food Freedom”... and give your body the break it deserves...

The Secret Weightloss Plan From Ancestors

It is highly possible that your Ancestors, especially your Great Grandparents, and definitely your Great Great Grandparents ate less calories than you do now.
In addition, I’d be willing to wager that they didn’t need to discipline themselves or give up certain categories of foods. In fact...
If you could get back in time, to about a 1000 years ago and check out the life of your ancestors, you’d see that for most of human past there was a very natural cycle of consumption. This cycle was what kept our physiques slender, fit and in balance.

To lose weight, limit your calorie intake below a certain level

Now, be patient with me for a bit okay? I know you’re possibly thinking... “How does this really differ from what I’ve already heard?...”
I will explain all that to you in a moment so that you can understand why this is totally different. Before I do that...
Let’s explain the meaning of a calorie...
A calorie can be defined as a way of talking about the “energy” that is stored in the food you eat. It’s also used to talk about the “energy” your body burns to survive, as well as to do whatever actions you do throughout your day.
Now I know what I am going to say next isn’t going to be “popular” advice. However...
Even though this amazing new strategy doesn’t require you to count calories AT ALL, there is no magic formula that lets you eat all you want and still lose weight.

Here’s another secret. If ANYONE tells you their particular diet or exercise can do that, RUN. That are scamming you, plain and simple. 
Now, I had mentioned earlier that you should eat below a certain threshold of food.
The secret lies in knowing what your level of calories are and eating below it.
Now for the fun part. You need not do it every day. Yes, you heard me. This simple and effective strategy allows you to stay below your threshold of calories WITHOUT day-to-day discipline, accurate calorie counting, or giving up any of your preferred foods.
This strategy is the key to cleaning out your body even at cellular level, resulting in a dynamic, youthful, and energetic version of you. You would look and feel better than people of half your age!

Biggest Weight Loss Lie

In the recent years a lot of diet gurus and diet coaches have tried to argue that calories don’t really matter... And to be honest it is understandable why they say so. It is because that is exactly what we all want to hear!...
But to fact is— It’s also the principal lie in weight loss as a whole...
Let us just ignore the impressive weight loss theories you’ve heard for a moment. Now, some of these theories may be true. On other hand, some theories are completely bogus. The remaining ones are so weak they don’t matter at all in your real results.
Nevertheless there is one irrefutable truth about weight loss...
This may not be popular among masses. But it is ESSENTIAL for weight loss to happen, irrespective of what the diet experts pretend. Here it is...
If you wish to lose weight, you MUST limit your calorie intake below a certain threshold of calories...
Check it out in the next post.

Why Do Diets Fail?

Here is a fact – more than 98% of the people who diet do NOT keep off the weight. This means there is only less 2% manage to succeed in their diet.
It is no great surprise that we lose hope that we would get our perfect body via dieting.
Let me share with you my learnings about diet and weight loss – All the endless cycles of rebound weight gain was never my fault. Same way, it is not your fault either let us examine why.

“Why Does Weight Loss Seem Such A Complicated Thing To Do?!”

All other aspects of my life was perfect. I was confidant and in charge in my life. And if you’re anything like me, you are most probably wondering how a free-thinking, intelligent, refined, and successful person like you find losing weight to be such an uphill battle. Weight loss through diets seem so complicated and unmanageable...
This is why I have decided to tell my story of weight loss that has a happy ending! It begins with sheer blind luck that led me to Brendon. He then gave me one simple strategy for weight loss that replaced all the complicated rules and diets in my life and gave me back control for success in my weight loss journey.
But hold on, there is more. This translates to having a more youthful appearance, having higher energy levels and feeling decidedly happier. You also get rid of all the pains, aches, as well as health issues that used to be accepted as a norm for your life.
I wish you to discover and have the same freedom I found with the strategy shared by Brendon. However, I have to give you a word of warning. 
This simple strategy is not something that everyone with vested interest wants you to know. In fact, food companies, diet gurus as well as companies that produce supplements, as well as almost all companies in diet industries have tried their best to attack this strategy. They have called his strategy as dangerous and controversial, to name a few of those false labels.
This is the very reason that information regarding this amazing and proven strategy has been hard to discover till now. Just keep reading more to find out what these companies and diet gurus don’t want you to know, and why...