Saturday, September 17, 2016

Biggest Weight Loss Lie

In the recent years a lot of diet gurus and diet coaches have tried to argue that calories don’t really matter... And to be honest it is understandable why they say so. It is because that is exactly what we all want to hear!...
But to fact is— It’s also the principal lie in weight loss as a whole...
Let us just ignore the impressive weight loss theories you’ve heard for a moment. Now, some of these theories may be true. On other hand, some theories are completely bogus. The remaining ones are so weak they don’t matter at all in your real results.
Nevertheless there is one irrefutable truth about weight loss...
This may not be popular among masses. But it is ESSENTIAL for weight loss to happen, irrespective of what the diet experts pretend. Here it is...
If you wish to lose weight, you MUST limit your calorie intake below a certain threshold of calories...
Check it out in the next post.

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