Saturday, September 17, 2016

To lose weight, limit your calorie intake below a certain level

Now, be patient with me for a bit okay? I know you’re possibly thinking... “How does this really differ from what I’ve already heard?...”
I will explain all that to you in a moment so that you can understand why this is totally different. Before I do that...
Let’s explain the meaning of a calorie...
A calorie can be defined as a way of talking about the “energy” that is stored in the food you eat. It’s also used to talk about the “energy” your body burns to survive, as well as to do whatever actions you do throughout your day.
Now I know what I am going to say next isn’t going to be “popular” advice. However...
Even though this amazing new strategy doesn’t require you to count calories AT ALL, there is no magic formula that lets you eat all you want and still lose weight.

Here’s another secret. If ANYONE tells you their particular diet or exercise can do that, RUN. That are scamming you, plain and simple. 
Now, I had mentioned earlier that you should eat below a certain threshold of food.
The secret lies in knowing what your level of calories are and eating below it.
Now for the fun part. You need not do it every day. Yes, you heard me. This simple and effective strategy allows you to stay below your threshold of calories WITHOUT day-to-day discipline, accurate calorie counting, or giving up any of your preferred foods.
This strategy is the key to cleaning out your body even at cellular level, resulting in a dynamic, youthful, and energetic version of you. You would look and feel better than people of half your age!

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